Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Challenge Warren Buffet

They say the best way to make your goals come true is to put them in writing and publish them to let all your friends know what they are. For years I have said that an individual investor following a few simple rules can beat a professional investor.
This year I'm going to show not just 1 but 3 different ways an individual investor can even beat Warren Buffet. I'm going to take 3 of my Marketocracy funds and share all the trades on Barchart, Seeking Alpha, ValueForum and my Facebook pages, I'll let Ken Kam of Marketocracy Capital management keep score and at the end of the year we'll publish the results and see if Warren Buffet or I win.
The funds I'll use on Marketocracy will be VMNHI, VMSPC and VMVLS.
Let the game Begin.

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