Every month I publish the Financial Tides Performance Scoreboard to give accountability for my recommendations. Each time I BUY, SELL, SHORT or RECOMMEND stocks I let you know which on my funds it is in and let you see the actual cumulative returns of my recommendations. I use BarChart to find my picks and tell you how. Here's how we did at the end of September:
FUND --Cum Return-- Beat S&P 500
VMFIV - 52.33%------- 48.47%
VMFOR - 40.55%------- 37.15%
VMSIX - 60.14%------- 60.80%
VMNHI - 52.27%------- 56.19%
VMSLO - 50.73%------- 70.83%
VMSHT - 24.50%------- 39.92%