The Chart of the Day belongs to Si Financial Group (SIFI). I found the Connecticut bank stock by using Barchart to find the 52 week high list and using the Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy in 12/14 the stock gained 4.28%.
SI Financial Group, Inc. is the holding company for Savings Institute Bank and Trust Company, a community-oriented financial institution headquartered in Willimantic, Connecticut. Through its branch locations, the Bank offers a full-range of financial services to individuals, businesses and municipalities within its market area. The primary product offerings include savings, checking and deposit accounts, certificates of deposit, residential and commercial mortgage loans, commercial business loans and consumer loans. Additionally, wealth management services, which include trust, financial planning, investment services and life insurance, are offered to individuals and businesses through its Connecticut offices. The Bank operates offices in Windham, New London, Tolland, Hartford Counties and Middlesex Counties, which the Bank considers its primary market area.
The status of Barchart's Opinion trading systems are listed below. Please note that the Barchart Opinion indicators are updated live during the session every 10 minutes and can therefore change during the day as the market fluctuates. The indicator numbers shown below therefore may not match what you see live on the web site when you read this report.
Barchart technical indicators:
- 64% technical buy signals
- Trend Spotter buy signal
- Above its 20, 50 and 100 day moving averages
- 7 new highs and up 1.79% in the last month
- Relative Strength Index 53.82%
- Technical support level at 13.37
- Recently traded at 13.56 with a 50 day moving average of 13.26
Fundamental factors:
- Market Cap $168..50 million
- P/E 40.50
- Dividend yield 1.16%
- Earnings have compounded at an annual rate of 12.98% over the last 5 years
- No Wall Street analysts are following the stock
- 9 individual investor on Motley Fool are split and voted 4 to 5 as to whether the stock would beat the market or not
None of the technical trading strategies have worked on this stock. I have noticed that when an unfollowed stock keeps rising to a high P/E level that someone is accumulating shares for future control or merger.
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