Thursday, April 22, 2010

Marketocracy Portfolio changes

I've got some changes to some of my Marketocracy portfolios:

VMFOR - this is a portfolio that restricts it's universe to stock in the S&P 400
Deleted -- NTY - NTYB inc. Failure to maintain a price above its 50 DMA

CMG - Chipolte Mexican Grill - Barchart buy signals and posigtive price appreciation
PPDI - Pharma Product Dev - 96% Barchart buy signal plus positive prioce appreciation
HNI - Hni Corp -- 86% Barchart buy signal + posiitve price appreciation
BOH - Bank Of Hiawiaa = 88% Barchart buy signal + positve price appreciation

VMFIV -- this portfolio resticts itself to stock in the S&P 500

MAR - Marriot -- Barchart buy signal plus positive preice appreciation
SHW - Sherwin Willians - purely techi=nical buy signals from Barchart and positve price appreciation

VMSHT -- Before you jump to conclusion the "SHT" means "short", but I guess that's what a short fund is:

BIIB - Biogen Indec -- BArchar sell signals plus very negative price action

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