Saturday, July 4, 2009

Market Momentum W/E July 4, 2009 - CODE YELLOW

Code Yellow signifies that there is no trend and you must use extreme caution when buying new positions Indicators

Line Index -1700 stocks tracked - Slight Downward Trend
  1. Trending BELOW its 20 day moving average
  2. Trending BELOW its 50 day moving average
  3. Trending ABOVE its 100 day moving average

Market Momentum - 5800 stocks tracked - NO trend

  1. 61% trading BELOW their 20 day moving average
  2. 58% trading ABOVE their 50 day moving average
  3. 84% trading ABOVE their 100 day moving average

New High/Low Rations - No Trend

  1. 20 day H/L 313/737 - negative
  2. 65 day H/L 208/132 - positive
  3. 100 day H/L 187/33 - positive

This week all 3 indicators do not show s strong trend. No one will fault you for holding off on entering into any new positions.$VLA&data=A&den=med&size=b&jav=adv&vol=Y&divd=Y&evnt=Y&grid=Y&sly=N&ch1=066&ov1=918&ch2=066&ov2=021&code=BSTK&org=stk&fix==

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